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- FiloFaxASCII
- ============
- What is it?
- ----------
- FiloFaxASCII.dfa is an AREXX script for DFA, the address database
- tool. It outputs the stored addresses in a special format, 4 (DIN
- A6) pages per DIN A4 sheet and can be used to print the addresses
- out and take them away with you, when no (AMIGA) computer is
- available.
- Requirements
- ------------
- You should have installed DFA v2.5 or above. The script will not run
- with DFA versions < 2.5!
- This script was tested with Laserprinters (Apple Select 310, HP4L,
- HP5MP) only. It should work with other printers as well, but some
- "fine tuning" may be required.
- Usage
- -----
- You may either bind the script to a function key of DFA or start it
- from the shell, using the "rx" command.
- The script outputs only the visible addresses, so make sure you
- switched on all groups you want to get printed. The script does not
- print the formatted addresses by itself but outputs them to files,
- one file for each page. To print the page(s), just copy the file(s)
- to the printer using the usual "copy" command. The files are named
- 'RAM:DFASheet_#.txt'; '#' means the number of the page (1..n).
- The script was written for a printer setup of 12 cpi and 8 lpi (each
- A4 page contains 96x84 chars). It could happen that the default
- settings of the script don't work together with your printer
- settings as expected. If this happens, either change your printer
- settings, or change the default values within the AREXX script (see
- below).
- Changing the output format
- --------------------------
- In the beginning of the AREXX script, you'll find the following
- lines...
- maxpagelines = 40 /* Max. lines per (A6) page */
- leftoffset = 8 /* left offset */
- maxlinelen = 46 /* Max. chars per (A6) line */
- pageskip = 5 /* Skip between the upper and the lower 2 A6 pages */
- You may change these variables, if the output doesn't fit your
- needs.
- Experienced AREXX users may change the script to a higher degree,
- adding other fields to output or removing fields that are not
- needed.
- Distributing changed scripts
- ----------------------------
- If you made some changes to the script, found any bugs or whatever,
- please do NOT publish the script by yourself, but send it to me, so
- I can publish it. My address can be found below.
- Copyright and Warranty
- ----------------------
- This script is (C) Copyright 1992-1995 Dirk Federlein.
- This software is provided *as is* without warranty of any kind,
- either expressed or implied. By using *FiloFaxASCII.dfa*, you agree
- to accept the entire risk as to the quality and performance of this
- package.
- In no event (unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
- writing) will any copyright holder, or any other party who may
- redistribute this package as permitted above, be liable to you for
- damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential
- damages arising out of the use or inability to use this package
- (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered
- inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties), even if
- such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of
- such damages.
- Price
- -----
- It's for free:-), but I'll keep the copyright over it.
- If you use DFA and like it and the script and are not registered up
- to now, please consider registering.
- My Address
- ----------
- Dirk Federlein
- Brunnengasse 11a
- D-63741 Aschaffenburg
- Germany
- UUCP: dirkf@alcmy.franken.de
- CIS: 100577,1027
- FIDO: 2:244/6302.12
- Have fun.